As I mentioned the last time this blog went live, I only occasionally follow up on old posts. It is an even less common occurrence for me to write a response to my own post but that it what I'm going to do briefly this morning. In light of some of the responses that I got about my most recent post on the lads' mags debate, I feel that it's important to clarify and expand some of the points that I made last time out.
26 October 2013
15 October 2013
The Lads' Mags Debate Continues
Before getting on with my post, I would like to point out that this is the earliest that I've ever written on my blogs since the dawning of time - I'm usually up at this time but I'm not usually hacked off by something at quite such an early stage. It's also a rare occasion for me to follow up on an old post but this morning I was once again faced with the lads' mags debate that I so hoped had gone away. Kat Banyard once again managed to annoy me this morning with her infuriating views on lads' magazines, likening them to pornography and arguing that there is "extensive evidence" to suggest that these publications are fueling sexism and violence against women. To repeat what I said last time she ruined my morning: what a load of rubbish.
Dominic Smith
Kat Banyard
Lad's Mags
Lose The Lads' Mags
10 October 2013
Five Things I Learned Today
I'm told that you have your best ideas when you're not trying to think about something. So, for example, when you're sitting on the bus or train staring out the of window you might realise the solution to the problem you're having with an essay. Or when you're getting ready to go to bed and suddenly the plot of a film you didn't understand suddenly becomes really obvious to you. My recent idea came as I was walking to class today, with the only things on my mind being Panic! at the Disco's new album blaring in my ears and making sure I wasn't clipped by a bus as I crossed the road. Maybe that's why it's such a good idea?
January Jones
Mad Men
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