29 June 2015

Summer 2015 - My First Trip to Whitby

So here it is: my final summer. Ok, so that might be a bit of an exaggeration but after the next month or so my summers will be reduced to whatever time I take off work. Gone now are the four month breaks, the wasted weeks and the comforting thought of starting the same thing all over again in September. The start of my graduate job next month is fast approaching so making the most of this summer is important.

The first big thing that this summer had to hold was a trip away with my girlfriend - our first proper trip away together no less. Our destination was Whitby in England and the four days we spent there were just brilliant.

28 June 2015

A New Look for the Blog and a Pipeline Lined with Ideas

Like the new look? Like the new logo?

Yesterday's redesign was a long time coming. Not only did the blog itself look tired and old-fashioned, everything associated with it - including its author - was not where it should be. After a good number of hours staring at my laptop, I can say that I am at least moderately happy with how it looks now.

3 June 2015

Who's Still Working on His Masterpiece? - My 'Favourite' Song

Back to basics.

The only thing more tiring than doing something is not doing it. If that is true, then I am on my knees from not writing any blog posts. Having now seen off university for the final time and dealt with 'grown up' responsibilities for the time being, I've run out of excuses for not writing. I guess, therefore, it is time to get back up on my feet again.

I've decided to break myself back in softly. Rule #1 for dealing with writer's block is to pick something you love and write about it. I was listening to music earlier; I love music; let's write. The flow was uncontrollable - just.

In my own inimitable style I've actually picked something stupid to write about. I would be doing you a disservice if I gave you the impression that the song I'm going to write about is always my favourite. It is, however, one that always springs to mind when I'm asked to choose.