3 July 2012

Looking for a Break-Through

Do you like the new logo? I sat down a couple of mornings ago with only Microsoft Word and Paint for company and tried my best to come up with something that didn't look as though it was drawn by a 5 year old. I might have succeeded in fulfilling that rather flimsy specification but whether I've come up with a new identity for my blog is another issue completely. You might have gathered that this blog is something that I'm very proud of and every time I looked at the original logo (which has been there for the 4 month life of this thing) I felt that it didn't say that I wanted it to say. In fact the logo is just one item on a list of things in my head that often make me feel less than satisfied with this page. In short, I'm looking for the next step but I'm not sure what or where that is.

In a summer that has been as mundane as I could have imagined it to be, I've been looking for a platform from which to get myself going again and my blog is the best one I've got to stand on. The thing is that I don't know where to take it and, even if I did, I haven't a clue on how to get it there anyway. Maybe blogs just aren't that trendy and I'm kidding myself by looking for something more. It should be stated (and I would shout this from the rooftops if is wasn't wet outside) that I am eternally grateful to the hardcore band of readers that I've had for almost 2 years now. Without the their unwavering support, I would probably have given up a long time ago - I apologise if I'm sounding spoiled here.

I suppose that the message that I'm trying to get across is that I'm looking to boost my readership and in turn to try and focus and increase the quality of my posts at the same time. It's about the only thing that I can safely say I've got at the moment because everything else I've tried to do in the last month has either never got started or has fallen flat on its face. I seem to ask for input from people a lot and feel that, since my readership is relatively small (and familiar to me in person) I understandably don't get much feedback. It's worth a shot though: if anyone has any great ideas about how to grow this blog over the next year or so then I would love to hear them. If anything it's to keep me occupied during these endless summer months!

Thanks for reading and I'll be sure to get my thinking hat on for a proper post in the next couple of days. Here's a song!
