There will be no video tonight. That, ladies and gentleman, should be the most celebrated sentence on the whole of the internet this evening. The relief that I can feel is, in a weird time-shifting kind of way, almost palpable. It's not that I don't think my video about reading Crime and Punishment was not a success, it's more that I'm almost sure that I am one of about three people who have watched it until the end - and I was in the video.
Anyway, onto tonight's post. There is no real agenda for what lies ahead in the next few hundred words so do not expect to be enlightened as you read on - I would be spoiling you if I changed your life every time you read ROATSomething. Tonight I stand at the precipice of my fourth year at university and what might easily be the most defining twelve months of my life. I guess that is what I should write about then?
Today I joined a very select group of people: I ventured into the law school library during freshers week. Why that needs to be a big deal I'm not quite sure. I mean, I'm not a fresher (although I may look younger than some of them) and the library is where students go to get books. It just seemed 'dirty' using the self-issue machines at such an early stage in the academic year - it's probably the dirtiest thing I'll do this year which says a lot about what lies ahead for me.
This wouldn't be me writing unless I told you that the library had a profound experience on me and that my life has been turned upside-down by the half hour I spent in the law school this afternoon. OK, I may be exaggerating a little bit (what's a little hyperbole amongst friends?) but I feel that the exposure to the place that I spent so much time last year has served to set the scene on what begins at the start of next week. It was a successful trip as well so maybe I should just leave it at that.
How do I feel about next week then? To be perfectly honest I'm a bit blasé about the whole thing. It's not that I don't care, but more that I've been here before and over-thought things - why stress myself out before the anti-party has even begun? Another thing that has fueled my nonchalance is that I've just come off the back of a summer of hard work, great experiences and many hours of reading stuff that really interested me - why should next week scare me if I've been doing it all at some level for the last three months?
So I head into my final year hoping to do great things and to come out of the other end with something to show for an important four years of my life. I maybe let myself down a couple of times in third year but this year will be different and the dedicated readers of this blog will have a front row seat for it all - just the bad news that you wanted the week before another year at uni!
Thanks for reading and I wish people all the best for whatever lies ahead for them over the coming weeks and months.