22 November 2013

The Morning Plan of Action/Madness

So I'm a bit fed up with things at the moment. OK, so I've got my future sorted out and I'm smiling and laughing more than I ever have before, but something just isn't quite clicking at the moment. What I'm trying to say is that I'm boring myself. I'm fed up with not get out of bed when I plan to and when I don't start uni work when I want to. I'm fed up with taking an extra five minutes in the shower just because it's warm. In short, I'm losing patience with myself at a time when I should on top of everything. With all of this in mind, I've resolved to do something about it - I'm going to get out of bed.

Right, I might want to explain that a bit better because, all thing being well, it is a fact that I will get out of bed tomorrow at some point. The point of interest, however, is that I am going to get out of bed a lot earlier than I usually do.

When do you think I usually get out of bed? It must be something like 10 or 11am for me to be annoyed with myself. Wrong! This morning I got out of bed at 7.45am and I wasn't chuffed. However, if I put that in context you might understand why. I've never been one for long-lies (the morning after a night out being the exception) so I tend to get out of bed at 8am at the very latest. Over the last couple of weeks I've been trying to reset my sleep pattern so I get out of bed and get going even earlier though. My alarm is set for 6.30am at the moment - enough said.

I've never understood why I can't just lie in bed but my head won't let me. It's physically possible for me but I get annoyed at myself for lounging for too long. Tomorrow morning I'm going to do something about this. My alarm is going to be set for 6am and I'm going to get out of bed when it goes off, or at least very soon after - I'm not a machine! I'm fed up with, well, being fed up with myself and so I'm going to do something about it. And when I do eventually swing my legs out into the bitter coldness of my room, I am going to go for a walk and I'm going to enjoy it.

Enjoy your Saturday morning lie-ins tomorrow. But do spare a though for me when you do eventually get up because I will probably still be in bed hating myself for it all the while.
