Start as you mean to go on. That's what everyone who has any sense will do when they set out on a new path or throw themselves into unchartered territory. I'm not really doing either of those things with this blog because I'm something of a seasoned pro at all this - you might even call me the salt and pepper of the teenage blogging sphere - but I start with the best intentions. I can't lie and say that I'm not going to miss Ramblings of a Teenager. That page has become a part of me over the last couple of years and I feel that, at times, I've reached out and managed to touch people in a way that I didn't think was possible over the internet. Ramblings of a Twenty-Something might well me more of a mouthful than my first blog but I'm hoping to provide a lot more for you to chew on than I ever have before. Welcome!
For those of you that have been reading my blog posts diligently for the last couple of years, it will come as no surprise that I'm still here clogging up people's Facebook feeds. I've known many people attempt to keep a blog since I started and I've outlasted the majority of them, watching them lose interest quicker than a sober man at a cricket match. I would go as far to say that I'm the only person that I know that maintains and shares a blog which in some ways is sad but in others is good because it's my 'thing' - I like that. If there is one thing that Ramblings of a Teenager taught me above everything else is that if you really want to do something then you will make it work no matter what. It's a bit of a drain on time when I've got other things on but I always make time for blogging and that's why I sit here tonight, as a 20 year old, still writing for you all.
I could sit here all night and blow my own trumpet but I don't really want to do that. In fact, that last paragraph just kind of slipped in there without me really noticing so I must apologise for that. The reason why I write for you this evening is to welcome everyone to my new blog which I'm really excited about. I hope that I can make it more successful than Ramblings of a Teenager by trying to attract a wider readership through the things that I write about. I've not yet decided when I'm going to post but you'll be first to know when I settle back into my groove - something that was missing in the final weeks of RoaTeenager.
Anyway here is to many more months of blogging. If you are reading this post just now then thank you for clicking on tonight and I hope that you'll return to join in the fun and frolics that are promised on this blog. If you're on Twitter then head over and start to 'follow' me because I'm going to start to tweet in the coming days. Also, if you haven't already, head over and 'like' the Facebook page (at the top of the screen) to keep up to date with posts and other Ramblings of a Twenty-Something related news.
Enjoy the rest of your day and thanks for joining me tonight.