I walked out of my university's lecture theatres for what appears to be the last time a week ago today and I wondered where I was going to go next. Obviously what lies ahead are my exams and all of the fun that they hold but I wasn't quite sure how I was going to get there - I wasn't even sure where to start. So I went to bed on Friday night with a sort of empty feeling inside of me, hoping that a week away from home and from university would do me good. We're a whole week on from that now and I here I sit with a rekindled fire in my belly and a new found confidence in myself - I couldn't have asked for a better outcome really.
We've been coming here (that being an undisclosed haven for now) for the last few years and every time I come back I always feel recharged and ready to go again after it. Last summer we were in a different house in the same little village and obviously I didn't need to revise or do any type of work. I ended up going on long walks and reading books for the whole week which was, in itself, bliss. This time around I've got a set of exams to take care of so along I came, packed to the rafters with my university work - well some of it anyway. It took me a day or two to get into it but I've managed to get more work done this week than I did at any time during term. A combination of peace and quiet and clean sea air has reinvigorated me and now I feel ready more than every to tackle exams.
Aside from all that boring revision stuff, this week has helped me in other ways as well. I've spent more time with my parents and sister this week than I have since Christmas which is nice. I've also been able to clear my head of all of the stuff that was floating around in it, distracting me to no end when I needed distracting least. I feel like I've cut a few unwanted ropes that were tied to me from being at university. It's amazing just how much stuff can build up in your head when you don't do anything about it. There were so many things that I just let get on top of me and now I feel (more or less) free of them.
Two things have changed this week so I'm not sure what has helped most. I'm obviously in a place that it new to me (this is the first time we've stayed in this particular flat) so that has been nice - a change of scenery is oft the way forward. I've also got down to doing some good solid hard work this week which is completely different to the way that I've been at university recently. During term I was doing everything that I needed to to but then not much more. This last week I've been covering all of the bases and then some more and I think that's (ironically) helped to clear my head. If you can control what goes in and out of your head then your half of the way there - wherever 'there' happens to be for you.
Above is the view from the balcony out of the kitchen and I must say that is not even as nice as it's been this week. One of the best things for me (for whatever reason) has been that, from that very angle on a clear day, you can see Edinburgh from here and in that way I still feel connected to the city that is going to play host to a huge couple of months for me - makes it all feel real.
Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is enjoying their easter break (if you're on one that is!).