29 March 2012

Me on Religion

'Good news! Can I interest you in a Big Issue?'. Those are the words that I hear every morning on my way to class and have become ingrained in my memory to the point where I flinch when I hear them. I'm not going to talk about Big Issue sellers tonight though because I think it's time that I went head to head with a big issue of my own for once. In the time that I've been blogging I've always felt the need to dance around certain issues so as to avoid offending people. Now I feel is the time for me to have a go at writing about something serious and I'm actually really excited about the prospect of what this post could bring. Tonight (for a multitude of reasons) I've decided to put forward my views on religion and how I perceive myself in the light of religion. This should be interesting...

28 March 2012

Why the Sun is Bad For Your Eyes

Hurray! The good weather has decided to make a stop in Scotland for the first time this century and my goodness isn't everyone making the most of it? It has been nice to be able to step out of the door with 2 (or less!) layers on for once but a part of me thinks that some people have gone too far. The amount of flesh that I've seen over the last 3 or so days is unbelievable. And it's not just 'attractive' people that are at it either; everyone has decided to get their kit off for Mr Sunshine and quite frankly I'd rather they didn't. I knew everyone was going to come out when the weather got better but they are also getting out of their clothes and it's not cool - contrary to popular belief.

26 March 2012

Walk Into Me at Your Peril

It feels like a long time since I sat down and had a really good moan about something that isn't university, drinking or females (a reference to Friday Night Dinner for you there). Tonight I'm branching out and I've decided to just have a moan about people in general. Well, not everyone because that would require a book but a certain type of person that I've come across recently. I live and go to university in a pretty busy city and my route to university includes a particularly busy part of it. Everyday I walk to and from my flat hoping that that will be the day when someone doesn't walk into me. I'm not that big a target nor am I the kind of person that walks so casually that I end up walking into people. It appears that I carry on my head a homing beacon for these people who, for the sake of this blog post anyway, will be referred to as idiots.

23 March 2012


I used to think. To invert Rudyard Kipling's famous poem 'If': 'if you can lose your head when all about you are keeping theirs' - that's just how I feel just now as I sit down to write this post. The stress levels are beginning to bubble and it won't be too long before they erupt (otherwise known as the exam diet) and everyone is suffering from the same fate - I'm certainly no different. I just feel that people around me are keeping their cool and I'm sitting doing nothing about the fact that I think I'm behind. I feel like I've settled for the 'I'll just get by' attitude which is something that I'm not known for. I need to start using my head again because it's pretty good whence I dust but the particles of misuse from it.

20 March 2012

A New Beginning

Start as you mean to go on. That's what everyone who has any sense will do when they set out on a new path or throw themselves into unchartered territory. I'm not really doing either of those things with this blog because I'm something of a seasoned pro at all this - you might even call me the salt and pepper of the teenage blogging sphere - but I start with the best intentions. I can't lie and say that I'm not going to miss Ramblings of a Teenager. That page has become a part of me over the last couple of years and I feel that, at times, I've reached out and managed to touch people in a way that I didn't think was possible over the internet. Ramblings of a Twenty-Something might well me more of a mouthful than my first blog but I'm hoping to provide a lot more for you to chew on than I ever have before. Welcome!