14 June 2013

Suppression vs Reappraisal - Which is the Way Forward?

As regular readers of this blog will know, I have taken up a real interest in psychology related things in the last three or four months. That interest was somewhat stinted by my exams but since they finished I have been able to explore some stuff in more depth. This post represents the beginning of what will hopefully be an interesting 'hobby' over the summer for me that should produce some (hopefully interesting) posts for you to peruse as your pleasure. 

The topic of this post comes from a lecture that I found on the iTunes U service that comes with the iPad. I have found some great content on there and I recommend anyone who has access to it to spend a while looking through the catalogue to see if anything grabs your interest. Since I started looking through the content with this interest in anything related to psychology, you can imagine why series of lectures entitled 'How to Think Like a Psychologist' caught my attention. The only one I've watched so far is by a professor from Stanford University called James Gross who was talking about emotion regulation.

7 June 2013

Why Don't I Write More Often?

I think it's about time that I wrote a bit more. I've been trying to write that opening sentence for the last week or so to no avail. Reason? Well I'm not all that sure. First of all there is the fact that I couldn't decide what to write about - a fairly fundamental element of this whole process. Then there is the fact that I just couldn't be bothered writing. It's not that I don't care about the stuff that I might write about, it's just that I don't have  the drive to put anything down in words. Those aren't really reasons though so I had to do some thinking. It turns out that I've got something of a complex.