29 May 2012

An Update in Person

It was a nice feeling sitting down to make this video because the last time I made one I was taking a break from revision and other such (less than) fun things. My old habits of moving around are still there and I like to look out of the window a lot but I think they are getting better. See what you think for yourself...

Well there you go. Any feedback on these videos is much appreciated as always! I'm looking to do something interesting over the next couple of weeks which might be of interest to the artists amongst you - keep an eye on the Facebook page and future posts for more information.


25 May 2012


Yes, the title to this post is cliche but it is the word on everyone's lips at the moment. After a gruelling 4 week exam diet, I can finally say that I am free. As well as being happy for myself I'm also delighted for the people that sat those exams alongside me because I know what they have been going through for the last couple of months - really pleased for everyone. I'm also happy that they're done for my parent's sake as well. I don't think I'll ever quite grasp what it's like for them when I've got exams but I think they go through the wringer as well. Not only do I spent a lot of time being anxious and hard on myself (which I know they don't like), they also just want me to do well and to be successful. They never put pressure on me in any way but it is the pressure that I place on myself to do well that is the biggest thing for me - I don't just want to do well for myself, I want to do well for them as well.

14 May 2012

Back to the Start

I thought that I would be able to save myself until the end of next week before I dusted down my blog again but I can't keep myself away. I've been typing notes for the best part of 10 hours today and yet my fingers still want more. My back might well say 'no', but my fingers say 'go' - who am I to ignore fingers that can think and talk for themselves? They've got me into plenty of trouble in the past so I've learned to embrace them and go with the flow - there's little point in fighting the feeling any longer. So with that gripping (yes, I just punned) story under my belt I guess it's time to crack on with something substantial. I'm not 100% sure where this post is going to go (which tends to happen when my brain is mush) but I like the feeling of writing something that isn't for revision purposes. However, knowing me, by the end of this post I will have told you all you need to know about the Scots law of leases - I'll try my damnedest not to though!

10 May 2012

My Exam Stress Avoidance Techniques

With another 2 down and only 3 more to go, it's safe to say I realise why I was looking forward to this day right from the start of the exams. I've now got a whole week to get myself ready for my next one and to start making noises towards the other 2 so I'm pretty happy as I sit here just now with a nice cup of green tea. I think I answered pretty well today and Tuesday's performance is near enough impossible to comment on so they can both be left in my past along with that up and down week I had last week. If today has taught me anything at all then that is that all of the work that I've done this year and all of the exam preparation I've been doing for the last 5 weeks has been good for me and it's nice when you feel hard work paying off. Whether I'll be able to cite such a positive message to you when the results come out in the summer is a different question all together. Current feeling? Going almost as well as I could have hoped.

4 May 2012

Still Alive

Knock, knock! Anyone out there!? You'll all be glad to know that I'm still here and I've not lost the ability to blog - who groaned at the back of the room there? After over 2 weeks of radio silence I return briefly this evening to make you smile (hopefully) and to make myself feel good about writing again. I'm not going to lie, these last few weeks have been pretty heavy going. I've done almost nothing but revise, a big part of which has been typing notes. I'm now well into the tens of thousands in terms of words typed for notes and not a word has been spilt since on anything jocular or with any of the usual innuendo or irony that I love to see dripping from my writing like too much chocolate sauce on your ice-cream. I've missed this thing more than ever over these last few weeks because of the (more often than not) dense amount of work that I've got to do for my exams. In short, it's nice to be back!