25 March 2013

The (Necessary) Day of Cleansing

This time last week I earmarked today as being the starting point for exam preparation. This time this week I can report to you that no such start has been made. Nevertheless, it has been a very productive day and I feel a lot more set for making that start than I did after the week that I've just had. Safe to say that I got something out of my system.

19 March 2013

Reflections on Recent Changes and Turning 21

The last week and a half of my life have been nothing short of peculiar. I discovered something that is potentially life-changing, felt empowered by it for a few days and then struggled to sustain it thereafter. Thankfully I think I'm on the way back up again because those of you who have talked to me recently or read my last couple of blogs will know that something has changed in me slightly. I'm certainly not enlightened nor have I have reached a different level of understanding - I'm just happier than I was this time two weeks ago.

18 March 2013

Why Feel Guilty About What Gives You Pleasure?

It turns out that Scarlett Johansson is very attractive. Until last week I was aware of the people saying complimentary things about her but I had never really seen her before, let alone been given the opportunity to make up my own mind. In short, I was told she was beautiful and I took that at face value. This post isn't really about that though; I just thought I would share my new found knowledge with you. Today I'm going to write about 'guilty pleasures' and what they mean to me. 

15 March 2013

The Great Delusion

It was pointed out to me the other day - in fact, on many occasions - that my posts are usually quite bleak affairs. This is partly by design and partly a reflection of what my mood is when I write, particularly recently. If it's not been one thing that's been getting me down recently, then it's been another thing. Then I read a book: a book that has shifted my view of things ever so slightly.

4 March 2013

Night Time, Write Time

The title is cheesy but it rhymes - what more do you want? I got in about half an hour ago after being at the pub with a few mates and thought that I might be able to get a little bit of the work that I've got to get done for tomorrow out of the way. I picked up said work and put it down almost immediately, safe in the knowledge that it will still be there in the morning. What, then, is the next best thing to do when I can't be bothered doing university work? Blog of course - it's been a while since I've had a good proper ramble about nothing in particular.