My voice always sounds that little bit clearer when I write. That's why I have chosen this medium to tell my readers some good news this evening. It also feels fitting that I should have a post in my blog about this. My whole blogging experience has mapped a huge numbers of changes in my life over the years and I feel that the first page in my new chapter should be on Ramblings of a Twenty-Something.
I might as well just get on with it then because I fancy getting to bed after a long day in the library. Tomorrow marks three weeks since I received the best phone call I have ever received in my life. I knew I was getting the call but I wasn't sure what the person on the other end was going to say - yay or nay? Thankfully it was the former as I became the delighted recipient of a traineeship offer. I haven't stopped smiling since.
A tonne of stuff has happened in the last three weeks which I don't need to tell the world about. I am, however, at liberty to say that I am the happiest I have ever been and have never had quite as much self-confidence as I do now. Just a couple of months ago I was fretting about what I was going to do with my future. Fast forward to now and, well, you get the picture I think.
The reason why I didn't tell everyone? It doesn't really matter all that much now. I didn't want to sound like I was bragging at a time when people hadn't heard back after applications. I also don't like being the centre of attention. I told the people who I wanted to tell and then decided to let it come out on its own eventually. Then I came to tonight I just felt that I needed to let it all out! Something felt right about me putting together this post.
So that's me. I know that others are still waiting to hear back and others are unsure about what they are going to do over the next few years. It will amaze how how the right thing pops up when you want it hard enough though. Trust me.
Thanks for reading.